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It's Wild
Out There

If you're anything like us, you're on a journey to find families like yours in the biggest homeschool surge of the past century. This community is not short on numbers, but finding 'your people' is a serious social exercise in differentiating those trying to raise their kids as if it's 1890 or 1990. For the record, we're trying to make both work, so anyone who has tips on how to meet somewhere between Salute your Shorts and Little House, please inquire below.

Anyway, the idea for WILD REC all started after a pretty awful league experience with my son who was 8 years old at the time. The season started off okay, but we quickly took note that we were not 'in' with the regular crowd. Sure our guy hadn't gone to school with these kids, but it wasn't just that. Dugouts rife with trash talk and cellphone usage, adult rivalries, coaches being ejected, benching kids for 7 of 9 innings, it was all just too much. Wasn't he supposed to be learning the fundamentals of the game? Shouldn't he have been coming into his own in this experience? When the whole family is counting down the days until the last game, you know next season odds are slim. We finished the season sour on baseball, and I spent the following year committed to restoring his love for the game. Shoutout to the Phillies for coming through that year! Our boys and their friends had been playing pickup baseball at co-op more often than not and when they didn't have their gear, they took to hitting black walnuts with sticks. Just good old fashioned fun. Kids being kids. Genuine love for the game. These things do not need be mutually exclusive.


All else aside, I am just a mom of 4 wild kids trying her darnedest to make things the slightest bit more magical without all the fuss. I'm out to inspire my gang that work doesn't have to mean you leave your family behind and that every idea, big or small, is worth pursuing. If you are still here, thank you, and you are valued in this club. 


  If you're still reading: perhaps  
  we're your people!  
  Now what?  

We are working on all kinds of programming including Baseball, other league sports, a hiking series, drop-in-classes and more! As new events and sign-up opportunities become available, we will be sure to update our subscribers, but the best and quickest way to get on the list is to join us over on Facebook.

Fall Baseball & Soccer
Registration is opening very soon!

to Coach

We are currently recruiting coaches
for fall baseball and soccer.
Apply now!

Homeschool parent encouragement for the day: you're gonna be great! Those intrusive thoughts of "can I really coach baseball?" are no good here. Our program is child-driven and parent led and fully WILD REC backed. We will equip you with plans on what to cover each week, so if you know how to have fun and aren't afraid to look silly doing it, that's about all you need. As in all aspects of homeschooling, we are our children's ultimate guides and we are here to learn right along with them, so years of  experience is not necessary. Get in touch with us to let us know which sport you want to see & coach!


So what's next?

Other sports? Trail Runs? Field Days? Sports Camps?

They are all on our radar and with your support we hope to bring
some of these ideas to light!


 Just call us starters of 





(nope, not a typo)

The Homeschool
Movement Movement

Dandelion Fields

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